October the 5th, My sister and I got together and decided to Can all day, between the two of us we kicked but, Had tomatoes so we did 12 Salsa, 6 Spaghetti sauce, 24 pints of Peach jelly. We had a great time, I love it out there in the middle of no where, in fact we ran out of sugar and Wendy called the Howe store(Which is called the Little Lost Store) on a Sunday and guess what! They opened it up for us to get some sugar! Crazy, love it. The people there are all like family, I think if you live a place like Howe Idaho every one is like family. That night Thomas decided to put ribs on the grill and invite the neighbor to come on down to there place and every one brag some thing good. Wendy has a cabin out there on her property and Brittney and I decided that we were going to call that home during the Summer. So Peace full and quiet!
Wendy and I are now the closest in mileage than we have ever been so look out Wendy here we come.
I'm jealous! I would love to have had a chance to can all that food. There's nothing better than homemade salsa and jelly! I'm glad you're so close to your sisters, don't you just love em?
So good to hear from you! It seems the older I get the more I just want to cling to my sisters. Its like I have alot of emotional energy running through my body and All I want to do is be around the people that love me and bring out the best and the bad in me beacuse it seems we are all in the same boat looking out for each other strenghts to keep our heads up, and with out each other we seem to waver alittle amd become weak. We need each other. I dont know what I would do without Family. And the jelly is great. Always glad to hear from you, Keep in touch.
This is pretty cool and OF COURSE I still consider you family! I can not believe how gorgeous all of your girls are and how grown. The time just flies by doesn't it. I have recently had a canning experience myself. We canned tomatoes the other day at my mom's and it was fun but very time consuming. We are going to do apple butter this weekend. Fun Fun! Well, you take care and tell your girls hi and Spencer too, cute frog pics by the way. Love, Angela
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