Monday, October 20, 2008

What we have been up too? Well.........

My family and I have been baking and canning and just having a lot of fun, these last couple of week-ends. One week-end, Wendy, KC, and I canned Carrots, and made the best apple pie ever. "Watch out Betty Crocker" Thomas also loves to take Spencer on the horse, Spencer just loves it! Spencer loves Uncle Tom. Thomas has started a new tradition, Tomas wakes up and makes breakfast for every one, expecially Spencer, They drink their hot cocoa and just make plans for the day, Spray weeds? Spay the cabin? collect fire wood? Or RIDE THE HORSE? Spencer just follows Uncle Thomas every where! We love every minute with them. This week-end we canned pears, apple sauce and apple pie filling, I am bet, and tired today. But worth every minute! I did a slide show of the love and fun that we are having together. Chasing chickens, riding horses, loving on the Kitty's and dogs. Enjoy!


Birch Family said...

What a great movie! (I wish I knew how.) Once again, it looks like you had a great time with family. Aren't sisters great? I'd love to have the recipe to your apple pie if you're willing to give it out!

The Steels said...

Canning is awesome, time consuming, but in the end totally worth it. You look really happy and I think you are doing a great job with your kids. Your girls are so pretty and grown up, you must tell them hi for me, Darren and the girls. Yes, travel here and see us, we are always open to visitors.

Andrea said...

What a perfect way to spend time in fall! You're making me hungry with all that 'apple pie' talk! YUM! ;) It's so nice to be able to keep in touch with you! Call me whenever you get a spare minute and maybe we can meet up while you're down here. :)

Valina said...

That's so awesome that you know how to can. I have actually never done it, my mom was so good at it and did a ton of it!
Your little boy is so cute! He's the same age as one of mine!