Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wanting something new!

I have been trying really hard to find some new traditions for My family, we seem to do our different things and go our different directions, and I want to try to start a new tradition for my close family, I think about the years to come and I only hope that my children come home for the Holidays because of the tradition that I had started with them. So I am asking every one to throw out their Ideas or what their traditions were now and the ones that they are doing with their families on the holidays.


Andrea said...

We've been trying to do the same thing. It seems we get so consumed with our family Christmas parties, we have no traditions of our own. My kids are getting older now, so I really want to work on that this year. One thing we do with Clint's family at the Christmas party is stories with "tokens." So, we pick and read inspirational stories and pass out a "token" that is a reminder of that story. Many times it's a tree ornament so that when we decorate the tree we remeber the story and tree decorating then becomes more meaningful as well.
Hopefully I explained that well. Good luck!

Becci said...

HI Penny. It is hard becuase Drake and I aren't exactly a day trip away from mom and Dad. Owning a business doesn't exactly give as much freedom as one would expect so Drake and I have decided that it is ok to spend Thanksgiving with our own little group. This year mom and Dad and Kelly and Brook will be coming to our house for dinner. We are going to take the grandkids to get a picture taken and then we are going to enjoy the company. I am not going to stress over dinner although I love to make big dinners. Drake is going to take the boys to a turkey bowl in the morning. Our stake gets the men together and lets them relive the glory years of highschool football. Anyway I would just suggest not trying to hard to make it a day like on the tv where all the dinnerware is only for Thanksgving but try to just do something that you will all enjoy. Ie. play a game or make a craft or actually make another beautiful apple pie. happy Thanksgiving Penny.