Friday, March 6, 2009


OK I cant take it any more. I cant smell, I cant taste, I am constantly coughing, my nose hurts, my body hurts, my head hurts........I took antibiotics for 10 days...nothing....I am currently taking De-congestion pills, sinus pressure pills, breathing treatment when needed, and cough syrup, cough drops, and lots of water. I need every ones help in telling me any special remedies or special Over the Counter meds. I don't know how much more this full time worker, full time mother, can keep going. HELP.....HELP ME....

1 comment:

Becci said...

colloidal silver and peppermint oil! They will help! Take the colloidal orally and rub the peppermint on the sinus' and on the chest. They will work! Good luck